Sunday, July 13, 2008


We have two little puppies named Smokey and Lucky. Here is Carsen holding Lucky. He likes to chase the dogs around and have them follow him around. All of the boys think that they have to constantly feed the dogs all day long.

We went into Jackson and went to the rodeo. Here we are at the town square before the rodeo.
Kade and Conner love to hike the red hills by the ranch. They wanted to climb all the way to the top, but decided that they will just ride up on horses next time.
On Thursdays we usually have a steak fry. The boys love to play with the fire and cook alot of marshmellows.

Colten just got a guitar and thinks he wants to learn and play it instead of the piano.

1 comment:

Kirstin said...

It looks like you live a vacation life. We are planning on coming up for a visit in a couple weeks or so, and are way excited to come!