Saturday, November 8, 2008

November Fun

Helping Dad Feed All Those Horses

Colten, Kade and Conner like to go and help Brian feed the horses on the weekend. They like driving the truck for him.

Carsen was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. He wasn't much into trick or treating but loved passing out the candy.


Rachel Fawcett said...

Jodi! Cute blog, and even cuter kids! SO glad that we can check up on you way up north. Are you ready for the winter up there? I only made it through one and that was enough for me. GOOD LUCK

Krystle S said...

Jodi and Mr. Cook! We all miss you like crazy here! Schools just not the same without Mr. Cook and Dillon misses Colten like crazy! We hope all is well with you guys up there! Love The Smiths Chris Nancy Krystle Landon Dillon and McCoy